Skippers Questionnaire?

Any general discussion related to the swim.Any general discussion related to the swim.
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Joined: Fri 05/07/2024 3:30 pm

Skippers Questionnaire?

Post by kerryball »

Hello I am a skipper of a support boat for this years swim and had a look at the questionnaire that is required to be filled in , unfortunately i can find very little info on your web site except a message to say " please check back shortly" and have not received any briefing info as yet so how can we fill out your questions?
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu 25/07/2024 5:03 pm

Re: Skippers Questionnaire?

Post by lucerys »

Hello, as a skipper of a support boat for this year's swim, I understand your concerns. Currently, the necessary information is not fully available on the website, and you haven't received the briefing details yet. I recommend contacting the event organizers directly for the required information. They should be able to provide the questionnaire details and any other briefing information you need to fill out the forms correctly. Keep checking the website for updates as perfect hotel
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